You are being invited to participate in a research study titled Human Learning
and Skill Acquistion. This study is being conducted by Timothy Rickard from the University
of California - San Diego (UCSD). You were selected to participate in this study because
you are a professional subject working through Mechanical Turk.
The purpose of this study is to improve scientific understanding of human learning and
memory and to apply that knowledge to improve educational and other learning outcomes. If you
agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete and online survey/questionnaire.
This survey/questionnaire will ask about your memory for items that you will be asked to study
and it will take you approximately 45 minutes to complete over two sessions.
You will be paid $2.50 for your participation in this study. Outside of payment for your
participation, there is no direct benefit to you of participating in this study. The investigators,
however, may learn more about human memory learning and memory.
There are minimal risks associated with this research study. Participants may occasionnaly
experience some frustration when they cannot recall something from memory, but that is
expected to occur for all participants. Personally identifying information about participants
is not collected from Mechanical Turk (and therefore not by our research team). There is no
known risk of loss of confidentiality. All data records that are collected are kept confidentiality
to the extent allowed by law and may be reviewed by the UCSD Institutional Review Board.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time by simply
exiting the survey. Choosing not to participate or withdrawing will result in no penalty or loss
of benefits to which you are entitled. You are free to skip any question that you choose.
If you have any questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact
Timothy Rickard by phone at 858-822-0122. If you have any questions concerning your rights as a
research subject, you may contact the UCSD Human Protections Program Office at 858-246-HRPP (858-246-4777).
By clicking "You agree" below you are indicating that you are at least 18 years old, have read this consent form,
and agree to participate in this research study. Please print a copy of this page for your records.
This is a Two-Part Study.
This study is worth a total of $2.50, which you will earn so long as you:
1. Complete PART 1 NOW.
2. Complete PART 2 a specified amount of days later.
You will be messaged on your MTurk account with a link to PART 2 and when to complete it.
Press click the button to confirm you understand.
Please be advised: Your complete ATTENTION and FOCUS is required to participate in this experiment!
That means that you need to CONCENTRATE and do the absolute best that you can.
If you are unable to do so, please do not continue the experiment.
Click below if you are able to participate.
Today you will be learning word pairs, one pair at a time.
Please CLOSELY STUDY each pair that you see, and commit it to MEMORY.
Please make sure your screen is in FULL SIZE or the pairs will not display properly.
Before starting the study, please type the following as one line into the text box below
(capitalization, spacing, and punctuation must be exact):
I understand this is a 2 part experiment AND
will only receive payment upon completion of the second part of the study.
You will now see the same pairs again…
For some pairs it will say:
This gives you more time to memorize.
For other pairs you will be shown one of the words and asked to recall the second.
You will have 6 seconds to TYPE the second word.
For other pairs you will be shown one of the words and asked to recall the second.
You will have 5 seconds to TYPE the second word.
After 5 seconds the correct answer will appear for 1 seconds.
Please pay close ATTENTION to the answer.
Study this pair.
Enter target word here:
Enter your demographic information here:
Please input your WORKER ID.
Did the experiment crash or anything weird happen? Please describe below if anything did.